If you're anything like me, you will love to have a nosey behind the scenes of small businesses that you follow, so I've decided to take you on a little behind the scenes tour of my studio/office...
These photos were taken about a year ago, so things are slightly more chaotic at the moment, but things are largely still kept in the same place(s).
I love my brand colours, so I wanted to surround myself with them in my work room. It makes for an uplifting place to work, no matter what the weather is doing out of the window.

(In case you're wondering why I have a bed in my office, I'm not a lazy moo, all is explained here. )

The only real and important difference between these pictures from a year ago, and now, is that I have this beautiful portrait of our Sadie and Jasper up on the wall too. Drawn by the incredibly talented Naomi Jenkin.
I set up as the dog cartoonist because of Jasper, so looking at his gorgeous face every day next to Sadie who has also made her mark with inspiration for my cartoons, has definitely completed my work room in the loveliest way.
