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A Chat With Colleen Kersey, Animal Communicator. Pt 1

Writer's picture: ScottyScotty

I am absolutely delighted to be sharing a huge treat with you in this blog post. You know when you meet someone and they just have a calming and wonderful energy around them? Well Colleen Kersey, Animal Communicator is most definitely like that for me. I first ‘met’ Colleen online early this year, and from the moment we started chatting I found her captivating. The work that she does really intrigues me, and after I kept bombarding the poor lady with new questions because I kept wanting to learn more, I asked her if she would mind having a chat for my blog because I know that you lovely lot would love to hear too!

Colleen happily agreed, and has been incredibly generous with her time, especially as this chat has taken place over the course of a few weeks. Colleen communicates with animals who are living but also those over rainbow bridge, so I had a rush of questions that I was keen to ask. If you’re expecting someone at a rickety table with a rusty squeaky lamp hanging over her, pulling odd expressions whilst making wailing sounds as she tries to communicate with ‘the other side’, you will be sorely disappointed. Luckily for me, Colleen’s methods of communication are so real and fascinating in themselves, and her experiences leave me wanting to know more and more. Because we chatted for so long and I didn’t want to edit anything out, I’ve decided to split this into parts, so here is part 1…

Image & copyright: Colleen Kersey

Scotty: Hi Colleen, Thank you so much for agreeing to chat with me for Scotty’s Cartoons.

I think the best place to start is if you could please tell us a bit about yourself and what you do...?

Colleen: Hi Helen. My name is Colleen and a little over 2 years ago, I discovered quite accidentally, that I could communicate with animals.

I was deep in a distance Reiki session with a cat in America and all of a sudden, a vivid image of a tall bay window with mustard coloured curtains hanging on either side, and a window seat, appeared in my mind's eye. I was a little taken aback and thought that, rather embarrassingly, I had started to nod off during the session.

But luckily, I was brave enough to mention it to the client after the session and to my surprise, she told me that I had described her lounge window and the seat was the cat's favourite sleeping place. I was blown away when I realised that the image could only have come from the cat. "...helps their guardians to understand them on a deeper level and make better informed decisions about their care..."

So I threw myself into load of personal study, read as much as I could and eventually did a course where I discovered I could talk to animals that have passed too. After then completing NUMEROUS case studies which proved beyond a doubt that I was getting information from animals, I went professional the middle of 2022.

So now I communicate with animals asking them how they're feeling about themselves, their lives, their situations, their past and much more. This helps their guardians to understand them on a deeper level and make better informed decisions about their care.

Scotty: I love that you use the word "guardian". There's so many words that people use for themselves in relation to their pets, but "guardian" sounds perfect.

Colleen: So true. In fact, I have a poll lined up this week which talks about what we call ourselves, ie. master, owner, guardian, etc.

[Since chatting with Colleen, her poll has completed. From the suggestions listed, “Guardian” was the most popular, but the comments also listed plenty of other suggestions, including “Mum”, “Dad”, “friend”, “slave” and heaps more. You can see the full results on Colleen’s LinkedIn posts HERE ]

Scotty: When I first met you online, I assumed that you communicated with animals in a Dr.Doolittle kind of way! I only recently learned that isn’t the case at all. Can you please explain a little about your communication methods in the process of a session?

Colleen: Sure. There are a variety of different ways that animals can communicate with us and they’re sometimes like Dr Doolittle, but sometimes not.

"...perhaps I feel fear when I talk about the big black dog from the cat's perspective..."

Yes, sometimes I hear words in my head either as voices or as actual words, but sometimes I see a picture, (a still image) in response to a question such as, “What is your favourite toy” and perhaps I’ll get a picture of a fluffy monkey toy in my mind’s eye.

Sometimes I get a mini-movie in response to a question such as, “What’s your favourite activity?” and they’ll show me a little movie of them running along the beach, or swimming in a river.

Sometimes I can FEEL an emotion which I can get in response to a question such as “How do you feel about the other animals in the house?” So perhaps I feel sad if I mention an animal in the household that has recently passed, or perhaps I feel fear when I talk about the big black dog from the cat’s perspective.

"...These methods allow for a fabulous two-way conversation to take place."

Sometimes I can experience sensations if I ask an animal how it feels physically. Suddenly I might get pain in my right shoulder or a burning sensation in my foot.

Sometimes I can experience all these different ways in one reading, other times an animal will favour just one method.

The flip side is, when I want to talk to the animal or give it information from the guardian, I use these exact methods to give information to the animal, or also quite often to clarify information that it has given to me already.

These methods allow for a fabulous two-way conversation to take place.

Scotty: That's fascinating. I would imagine that whilst it must feel a privilege, it must also be exhausting for you at times too!

One of the services that you provide, is to communicate with an animal who is showing signs of stress or about to embark on a potentially stressful event such as a house move or operation. How do you reassure the animal in such situations? Do you use the same method as you have just described, with conveying an emotion?

Colleen: Yes, it’s similar. With house moves, I would picture the current state in their life and then ‘present’ it to the animal, followed by the idea of it changing, to gauge how they’d feel. Then I’d tell them as best I could the reason behind the change, simplified to something like ‘making your life better, making your guardians more comfortable, etc.’

Then I’d prepare them for things that might happen as part of that move so that things don’t take them by surprise. Perhaps, lots of boxes and packing, perhaps a feeling of stress in the house (and explain that it wasn’t them causing that), perhaps more people visiting the house than usual, etc.

"...I can convey this back to the guardians so that the animal is supported..."

Then I’d ask the animal how their guardians could make them more comfortable, or feel safer, while all this was going on. For example, sometimes they ask for a quiet space to themselves, sometimes they ask for more support from their guardians, sometimes they ask for a blanket in the corner. I can then convey this back to the guardians so that the animal is supported throughout the event. This helps reduce their stress.

With regards to vet visits, it depends on whether the animal is in pain or not. If they’re in pain, then I will approach the vet visit explaining about having the pain reduced. So I’d bring their attention to the pain (depending on the severity of course!!), then I’d visualise the pain disappearing, or the injury being healed and a wonderful feeling of relief. This would ‘explain’ to the animal the WHY of the visit.

"...All this so there are no surprises for them, and they know what to expect."

Then, in my mind’s eye, I would take them visually through the entire process from the carrier being used, to the car journey to the vet, what will probably happen at the vet, any anaesthetic involved, the sleeping, the feeling woozy on waking, the recovery, etc. Then I’d remind them of the healing and pain relief. All this so there are no surprises for them and they know what to expect.

Whilst it might not remove the fear, (I’m always afraid of dentists no matter how many times I go), just explaining what is going to happen, reduces the anxiety.

I do a similar process for animals embarking on short- or long-distance travel.

Scotty: Thanks Colleen. We moved home last year, and I think Sadie's main fear was that she was going to be left behind! I imagine it would have been a huge comfort to her to know what all the chaos was actually about.

Colleen: Yes I think the anxiety animals feel is because they don’t know what’s going on. They feel the energy in the house change, excitement, stress, nervousness, happiness or even sadness, and they don’t know HOW it’s going to affect them or if it’s something THEY did to cause it. As with most things, knowing and understanding why something is happening helps lower those anxiety levels.

Join us in Part 2, coming very soon, where Colleen gives some wonderful and sometimes hilarious examples of communication that she's had with various animals, and she answers that all-important question: "Does Rainbow Bridge Exist? And if so, what is it like?"

In the meantime, you can find Colleen at her website below:

Image copyright: Colleen Kersey


2 Kommentare

Unknown member
03. Juli 2023

Wow, this is so fascinating - what a fabulous interview.

I love your style of writing Helen :-)

Gefällt mir
04. Juli 2023
Antwort an

Thank you! and thank you so much for taking the time to read it. :)

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